Writer's Guidelines

Social Work Today welcomes timely and engaging articles covering the range of issues pertinent to the social work profession including, but not limited to, mental health, substance abuse, children and families, aging, private practice, education, and healthcare.
Guidelines for ContributorsA one-page query, abstract, or outline of your story idea is preferred; however, all submitted manuscripts will be read. Please e-mail your proposal or manuscript to the editor atSWTeditor@gvpub.com.
LengthArticle length varies. Consult editor on length when submitting a query or prior to submitting a manuscript.
ReferencesInformation from other published works should be completely and accurately referenced in parenthetical citations within the text. List references in alphabetical order according to thePublication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Do not list references that are not cited in the text. Provide a list of any individuals interviewed for the article and include interviewees' full name, title, affiliation, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
Query and ManuscriptSubmission: Send all queries and articles via e-mail as Microsoft Word attachments. On the title page of the article, list the author's full name, affiliations, academic degrees, complete mailing address, daytime phone number, and e-mail address. If there is more than one author, provide information for each contributor and designate one author to handle correspondence. If submitting a manuscript, include a statement that the article is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration by any other publication or electronic medium. Also include a brief author biography.
Author ResponsibilitiesAuthors are solely responsible for the content of articles submitted. The magazine accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in manuscripts or references. It is the author's responsibility to notify the magazine of any potential conflict of interest with respect to submitted articles and to acknowledge affiliation with any organization or entity mentioned in the text and/or financial interest in any subject matter, organization, or product discussed.
EditingWhile the editors will attempt to preserve the author's voice whenever possible, all accepted manuscripts or letters to the editor will be edited for space and clarity according to the magazine's style and format.

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